How can your business benefit from Twitter Fleets?

Twitter Fleets

By Danell Burton-Worrell

Twitter rolled out at the end of 2020. Fleets or fleeting tweets are a new way to share content on Twitter that’s only available 24 hours. It cannot be retweeted or replied to publicly. Similar to Instagram Stories, it’s an excellent way for businesses to interact with consumers. Unlike Instagram stories, you can Fleet text as well as images and videos. As followers, you can respond directly to the Fleet. Fleets can drive awareness to new products, engage your fan base.

According to Twitter, the new feature was created to “help people feel more comfortable to join the conversation”. From a business perspective, it only improves engagement with their followers on Twitter. To compete with other platforms such as Facebook and Instagram whom both have temporary content for their users. It only made sense for Twitter to come up with a way to show temporary content. Snapchat came out with temporary content first, and every platform has followed suit. 

Twitter Fleets
Twitter Fleets
Ways your business can benefit:
  1. Giveaways
  2. Temporary sales
  3. Interacting with followers 
  4. Behind the scenes content 
  5. Commenting on live events 
  6. New products 
  7. How-to videos

Fleets are the newest way to increase interactions on Twitter. It can make the customer feel more involved and a part of the brand. This is something businesses should take advantage of to promote their brand and increase engagement. Companies can use this in any way they see fit and use it in numerous ways. This feature can only drive your brand and hopefully sales up. 


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