Big Brands Social Media techniques you can follow.

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What Big Brands Are Doing on Social Media That Small Brands Can Apply

Social media has become a crucial component of marketing strategies for brands of all sizes. Big brands like Heinz, Clorox, and Campbell’s Soup have invested heavily in social media marketing to increase their reach and engage with their audience. In this article, we will explore what these big brands are doing on social media and how smaller brands can use these techniques. 

Here are some tips:

1-Behind-the-Scenes Content:

Big brands often share behind-the-scenes content to give their followers a glimpse into their company culture and processes. For example, Heinz might share a video showing how their ketchup is made, or Campbell’s Soup could share a video showcasing the process of creating a new soup recipe. Smaller brands can do the same by showcasing their company culture and processes, which can help humanize the brand and build a stronger connection with followers.

2-Interactive Content:

Interactive content is a great way to increase engagement and create a memorable experience for followers. Big brands often create quizzes, polls, and contests to encourage interaction with their followers. For example, Clorox might create a quiz about different types of stains and how to remove them. Smaller brands can create their interactive content to engage with their followers and increase brand awareness.

3-Educational Content:

Educational content can help to establish a brand as an authority in its industry and provide value to followers. Big brands often create educational content in the form of how-to videos, tips, and tutorials. For example, Campbell’s Soup might create a video showing how to make a delicious and healthy meal using their soup as an ingredient. Smaller brands can create their own educational content that provides value to their followers and helps to establish their brand as an authority in their industry.

4-User-Generated Content Campaigns:

User-generated content campaigns greatly increase engagement and build a sense of community around a brand. Big brands often create user-generated content campaigns by encouraging their followers to share photos and videos of themselves using their products. For example, Heinz might create a campaign asking followers to share photos of creative ways they use ketchup. Smaller brands can create user-generated content campaigns to increase engagement and build a community around their brand.

5-Social Media Takeovers:

Social media takeovers are a great way to collaborate with influencers and other brands to increase reach and engagement. Big brands often collaborate with influencers or other brands to create social media takeovers, where the influencer or brand takes over the big brand’s social media profile for a day or week.  Smaller brands can also collaborate with influencers or other brands to create social media takeovers to increase reach and engagement.

So, big brands like Heinz, Clorox, and Campbell’s Soup are creating many different types of content on social that smaller brands can also utilize. Smaller brands can increase engagement and build a stronger connection with their followers by creating behind-the-scenes content, interactive content, educational content, user-generated content campaigns, and social media takeovers.

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