Snapchat for CPGs: Pros and Cons for Food and Beverage Companies

Snapchat Marketing for Food and Beverage CPG social media

Snapchat has emerged as one of the most popular social media platforms in recent years, with millions of users across the globe. The app’s popularity among young audiences and its focus on visual storytelling make it an ideal platform for food and beverage consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies to connect with their target audience. In this blog article, we will explore how Snapchat social media marketing can help food and beverage CPG companies and its pros and cons.

Pros of Snapchat Social Media Marketing for Food and Beverage CPG Companies

1-Engage with the Younger Demographic:

Snapchat is particularly popular among young adults, making it a perfect platform for food and beverage CPG companies to target millennials and Gen Z audiences. These demographics are known for their love of social media, and Snapchat provides a unique opportunity for CPG companies to connect with them fun and engagingly.

2-Promote New Products and Special Offers:

Snapchat allows CPG companies to create fun, interactive campaigns that showcase new products, special offers, and promotions. These campaigns can build hype and generate buzz around a new product launch or drive sales for an existing product.


Snapchat’s ephemeral nature allows companies to showcase behind-the-scenes content and more authentic moments, giving users a glimpse into the brand’s personality and culture. This can be a powerful way to build brand loyalty and connect with consumers more personally.


Snapchat’s geotargeting capabilities allow CPG companies to create location-based filters and campaigns specifically targeted to users in a particular area. This can be particularly useful for companies looking to promote products in specific regions or to capitalize on local events.

Cons of Snapchat as a Marketing tool for Food and Beverage CPG Companies

1-Limited Targeting Options:

While Snapchat’s geotargeting capabilities are a significant advantage, the platform’s targeting options are limited compared to other social media platforms. This can make it challenging to reach specific audiences or target users based on their interests or behaviors.

2-Ephemeral Content:

Snapchat’s quick content means that posts disappear after 24 hours.  This can be disadvantageous for companies looking to create long-lasting campaigns or content. Snapchat does have a “Memories” feature that allows users to save content. However, this feature is not widely used and may not be as effective as content on other platforms that stays visible for more extended periods.

3-Low Organic Reach:

Snapchat’s algorithm prioritizes content from users’ friends and family, making it challenging for CPG companies to reach new users organically. Companies may need to invest in paid advertising or influencer partnerships to reach a wider audience.

4-Limited Metrics:

Snapchat’s metrics are not as comprehensive as those on other social media platforms, making it difficult for CPG companies to accurately measure their campaigns’ success. Companies may need to rely on other metrics, such as engagement rates, to gauge the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Snapchat social media marketing can be a powerful tool for food and beverage CPG companies looking to connect with younger audiences and promote new products and special offers. However, the platform’s limited targeting options, ephemeral content, and others challenge the companies. By understanding the pros and cons of Snapchat social media marketing, CPG companies can create effective campaigns that engage their target audience and drive sales.

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