The Importance of Using a Facebook Pixel

Facebook Ads logo emphasizing targeted advertising for CPG campaigns.

by Roger F. | Digital Strategist | CNM

With all of the fancy buttons and features you can use for Facebook Ads, it’s easy to miss the importance of the Facebook Pixel.

After all, digging around the Pixel section in ads manager, generating that snippet of code, slapping it in the header of your website, and then creating custom conversions around it sounds like a lot of complex work.

But taking the effort to set your Pixel up will save you time, frustration, and of course – MONEY.

Here are just a few ways a Pixel makes this happen….

Optimizing For Conversions

Let’s say you own a Flyer’s memorabilia shop on the web. (We are a Philly agency after all.)

You’ve nailed down your perfect audience based on your own research….


Age: 18-64

Gender: Men and Women

Location: Philadelphia

Interests: NHL, Gritty

Plugging these stats in your Potential Reach is 290K people.

That’s great!

But wouldn’t it be even better if you only had to spend money on showing the ad to people most likely to convert (make a purchase) in your shop?

That’s exactly what the Facebook Pixel does when optimizing for conversions.

The Pixel becomes your own personal bouncer, only letting in the people most likely to perform your specified action so you aren’t wasting money on people who would simply like or comment on your ad.


Have you ever been browsing the web and immediately see a product you were checking out in your newsfeed?

This is all thanks to the Facebook Pixel.

The Pixel captures your information as you visit sites, allowing the advertiser to Retarget them based on specific actions they take.

Want to retarget someone who’s added your product to their cart but didn’t purchase?

How about someone who spent a length of time watching a video on your website but still didn’t make that final step?

Here’s my favorite – what about retargeting all of the people who’ve purchased from you in the past with a brand new product?

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