8 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Great Website Design

Feb. 12, 2019 by Ally Nagle | Web Designer

1. Your website is visually unattractive

First impressions are everything. Many potential customers or clients visiting your website will immediately leave your site and go on to a competitor’s if your website is straight up ugly or has a very poor organization. Today’s most well-performing websites are very clean, spatially organized, incorporate high-quality imagery, and are in line with today’s design trends.

2. Higher search engine rankings

Everyone wants their website to show up on the first page of search engine results, but most people have no idea just how many factors determine what gets a website there. One main factor for getting your website noticed by major search engines is the organization and flow of information and how updated that information actually is. If you haven’t touched your website in quite a while, refreshing content, images, and some coding can help bump up your rankings and consequently get more traffic. Higher traffic usually translates to more leads.

3. The improved user experience for mobile users

In today’s world, a very large portion of website users visits sites on their mobile phones as opposed to a desktop device. In the past, desktop versions of websites were really the main focus when designing websites, but now, if your website is not optimized for mobile viewing and navigating, your website’s effectiveness will suffer greatly. About 94% of business websites in 2019 will be mobile-friendly and it has become not only the “norm” but the standard.

4. Increased R.O.I.

Sure, quality website design will cost you more than a home-made website or a free social media account, but what should be taken into consideration here is the greater opportunity for “ROI” or “return on investment”. A stunning and functionally awesome website will create increased visitors and new customers, and those additional sales will cover the cost you’ll spend on website design in no time.

5. Stronger appeal to your target audience 

Successful marketing means capturing the interest and attention of the people who you want to buy your product or service. In order to do this, you have to know what kinds of aesthetics attract that target audience. If your company is trying to cater to an established and sophisticated audience, a design that looks juvenile will yield poor results. That’s why spot-on design is so important to your website. You have to appear to be an expert in the market you’re targeting, and your website is the online face of your entire business.

6. Your content might be bland and boring 

Consumers have many, many options these days. You need a way to stand out against the competition and be one-of-a-kind. Professional web design is a way to accomplish that. There is established psychology behind the design and the use of colors, fonts, and imaging. Incorporating this intelligently into your website can make all the difference to people browsing the internet to make choices and purchases.

7. Stronger brand consistency and recognition

A website can be the starting point and central hub to your business’s entire brand identity. If you have a great website, all of your other marketing materials can be branded off of that design. It is extremely important that customers always get a consistent image of your business, which is called your “brand identity”. This is the dependable use of the logo, colors, fonts, and themes that you incorporate in all your communications with the world.

8. Higher conversion rates

Attractive website design has proved over and over to keep users who visit your website engaged longer and often spur them to take additional action such as signing up for a newsletter or even submitting a contact form. When a website is more visually interesting and aesthetically pleasing, people tend to continue to scroll and browse your page. This usually results in users taking the action you are hoping they take on your website through successful use of “call-to-action” modules throughout the website.

If you are ready to experience the benefits of a newly designed website, reach out to us today!

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