What the New Year means to me as the CEO of Cool Nerds Marketing

Bruce - Philly Office

Like many companies, 2018 was an excellent year and we are excited to share some improvements and new partnership we are working on for 2019.

In a constantly changing industry, it is important to never settle with what we are already doing and continue to grow. In order to do this, changes must be made and some of our biggest changes for the new year include:

Social persona video advertising

We are now working with a new partner that allows us to target specific audiences based on their social media profiles, behaviors, comments and other actions; including the use of hashtags. This new tool will give us the ability to target and pinpoint the right audience for video campaigns.

OTT (Over the top)

Due to the increase in streaming services as a primary way people are receiving content; We’ve partnered with an industry leading and pioneering company to help us deliver video ads on streaming services/devices for those over-the-top moments.

CPG/OTC In-Aisle targeting

To start the new year, we are launching a number of campaigns for CPG/OTC brands. We’ve partnered with a software company, that will help increase our CPG/OTC clients awareness and market share. We are able to do that by boost sales from the consumers while they are in an aisle making a purchase decision. This new tool gives us access to over 700 of the most popular apps. Smartphone apps allow us to send push notifications directly to consumers smartphones. These notifications increase the visibility of the product while the consumer is in that perfect buying moment.

Better listening

We’ve been proving social listening as a key service for many years. Almost every year we extensively test new tools and select the best options to serve our clients better. We are now utilizing Mention to provide a more in-depth social media listening service. This allows us to understand the conversations around the brand we work with; and, also the sentiment towards competitors to help optimize our strategies on other platforms.

Facebook Partners

In late December 2018, we got news from Facebook letting us know we’ve been selected us to become a Facebook Advertising Partner. The decision came based on our growth and positive results from the past and current facebook campaigns. This accreditation, along with several others from Google, Bing and HubSpot solidify our place in the industry as a reliable agency that gets results promised.


There’s a “little shopping site” out there called Amazon. If you buy or sell any type of tangible good, you may have heard of it. You may have also heard that its advertising revenue is skyrocketing. As part of our focus on CPG brands in 2019, we are joining the mix by offering product ads and listing consultation. Amazon is becoming the holy grail of sales revenue for many CPG companies. Whether you are a well-branded CPG or just a startup, Amazon is an advertising opportunity that, can’t be ignored.

We also have the strongest creative and web design team in our company history. We are working on augmented reality and app projects.

To all of our existing clients who have been with us for years, and to our new and future clients we say thank you. We can’t wait to see what 2019 brings.

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