Cool Nerds Marketing is a full service marketing agency. There’s no question that brand creativity sets the tone for how people will consume and interact with your products. That’s why it’s more important than ever to work with our marketing agency. What makes us as a CPG Marketing agency different? Attention-grabbing data-driven creative that converts. From small screens to big screens and social media to CTV, our content creation is tailor-made to fit your narrative. Put your business on the path to greater success with bold, fresh creative that fits all platforms, yet is unmistakably your brand. Our impressive expertise as top CPG Creative Agency will help your brand grow.


Having your brand properly represented across social media and being part of the conversation is key to people remembering who you are – not to mention choosing your brand over others when buying.

That’s why our premium social media management is not only a massive time-saving plan, but one of our top ROI positive services we consistently deliver to clients.

We have done the research and established where consumers are, and we execute on that with contextual creative that resonates. Your customers are unique, and your social media presence deserves to be as well. Select one of our CPG creative marketing agency service, social media management for your brand.

From small screens to big screens and social media to CTV, our content creation is tailor-made to fit your narrative.

Put your business on the path to greater success with bold, fresh creative that fits all platforms, yet is unmistakably your brand. Our impressive expertise as top CPG Marketing agency will help your brand grow.


Put your brand on the fast track to greater market share and revenue, not just with creative that converts, but with audiences primed to experience your brand. We deliver content to the right audiences at the right time – meeting the consumer wherever they are – in order to grow market share and sales. DTC and Omnichannel sales deserves Omnichannel marketing, and we deliver on all fronts. From mobile app integrations to niche retargeting to CTV audience access at scale, our digital marketing activations are made to move the needle. Our partners like nielsen, VisualDNA Connexity Hulu, Crackle, amazon prime video, metlwater and much much more for your brand success. We are your go to cpg digital marketing agency when you need to grow your brand! 


Peanut butter influencer campaign
Influencer marketing

UGC vs. Influencers: Impact on Food and Beverage Brands

Understanding UGC and Influencers In today’s digital marketing world, brands use different strategies to connect with their audience. Two key methods are User-Generated Content (UGC) and influencer marketing. Understanding their differences and how they impact food and beverage brands is crucial for crafting effective marketing campaigns. What is UGC? User-Generated Content (UGC) refers to content created by

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digital marketing results
Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategies for Home Services in Delaware

In Delaware’s competitive digital landscape, home service businesses must differentiate themselves. Digital marketing is essential, leveraging the internet to ensure Delaware residents notice your home services. Here’s how to do this effectively. Embracing Digital Marketing Channels in Delaware Digital channels are your direct line to potential clients online. These pathways, including social media, websites, and emails, are

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Social Media Strategy for Business sample of Pink Lemonade Mix Can with Refreshing Drinks and Lemons on a Vibrant Yellow Background made for the followers attention.
Creative Marketing Agency

Unleashing Creativity in Marketing: Our Philadelphia Journey

In Philadelphia, our story unfolds—a tale of creativity and innovation in the bustling world of marketing. At Cool Nerds Marketing, we’ve embraced the vibrant spirit of Philadelphia to fuel our approach to digital marketing. Our mission is simple yet ambitious: to transform the way businesses connect with their audiences, using creativity as our compass, making us one

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Consumer examining a CPG branded product on a store shelf.
Creative Marketing Agency

The Power of User-Generated Content for CPG Brands

In today’s digital marketplace, the authenticity and engagement that user-generated content (UGC) brings to the table cannot be overstated. For consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands, tapping into the stream of content created by your own consumers offers a unique opportunity to elevate brand trust, enhance community engagement, and drive product innovation. Here’s how to leverage UGC effectively

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Blake Hill Cpg food and beverage e -commerce website design
Digital Marketing

Advanced E-commerce Strategies for Food & Beverage Brands

As the food and beverage industry continues to evolve with the digital age, brands face the challenge of distinguishing themselves in a crowded e-commerce marketplace. The transition from traditional retail to online platforms demands not only an adaptation of marketing strategies but a complete overhaul to capture the discerning online consumer. This detailed guide explores advanced digital

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Couple cooking together in the kitchen for influencer marketing campaign.
Creative Marketing Agency

Power of Social Media Influencers in the Food and Beverage Industry

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, social media influencers have become pivotal in shaping consumer preferences and amplifying brand messages, especially within the food and beverage sector. Their unique ability to blend authenticity with extensive reach offers an unmatched avenue for brands to connect with their target audiences. Cool Nerds Marketing delves into how CPG food and

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