Savvy Social Media Marketing Tips for Any Small Business

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Savvy Social Media Marketing Tips for Any Small Business

Every business knows they need to participate in social media marketing, but figuring out how best to do it can be challenging.  As a small business owner, you might choose the services of a professional social media company to do your social media marketing. Alternatively, you may choose to do the marketing yourself. Either approach is fine. What’s important is getting your name or product out there where it is more apt to be seen.

As you develop a social media marketing campaign, you may follow a set of guidelines. For instance, you may have heard of charting out a campaign in advance and scheduling posts on various topics. Some call it creating a social media calendar. But there’s no saying you can’t pop in with posts sporadically or mix your social media involvement up a little.

No matter your approach, a good starting point is to view social media marketing as an ongoing conversation. Conversations like this should start with introductions that answer who you are, what you do, where you can be found, and capture a reader’s interest as to what you can do for them.

Once you’ve posted on one of the social media platforms a few times about who you are and what you do, you might want to go a step further. Posts can be informational, educational, or humorous. They can advertise a special discount or sale. They can simply be a reminder to prompt readers that you’re still in business.

Depending on how personalized you want your business image to be, you can be formal in your posts, or chatty. Post personal updates that suit your target audience.

Examples of Social Media Posts

If you want to enter the field of social media marketing but are a bit green or need new ideas, have a look at these examples that may help jumpstart your social media campaign. Posts like these are suitable for Twitter or Facebook.

The Educational Post:

The educational post may include a how-to message. For instance, it may describe or link to instructions on how to use a certain product you carry. Or, you may want to quote an authoritative source or relay a scientific data tidbit on something to do with your products or services.

The Informative Post:

Social media posts can also be informative, which is slightly different than an educational post. This post may offer information about something unrelated to your business offerings, but that is useful to the reader. This may include information on something that is trending or may offer a tip or useful hack anyone can use.

The Entertaining Post:

Most everyone likes the occasional joke, funny, or heart-warming video. Posts like these are simply entertaining. If your image is a little more personal, share a story about something funny or odd you’ve done to offer the reader a chuckle.

The goal of these educational, informative, or entertaining posts is to gain or keep followers interested and to remind them yours is a vibrant and thriving business.  Statistics show that readers are more likely to engage in social media posts that include photos. For this reason, unless you’re very creative, it may be worthwhile to hire an expert who can design the right posts for your business.

Get the conversation going. Hire help, or create your own social media posts to help the public learn more about your business and how you can help them. Social media marketing may just be the most economical marketing tool there is in this era. The results will speak for themselves.

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