Building an Online Presence

Your Online Presence

What is an online presence? An online presence for a business is the business’s website, social profiles, online memberships in directories, and any other places on the Internet where customers and potential customers can find you. Building an active online presence will not only give your customers access to your products and services but will […]

Optimize Your Website and Improve Your SEO

When it comes to optimizing your website, SEO is vital for marketing. Optimizing your website to include web pages, blogs, and other content means that you’re making your site more visible. Targetted keywords and search phrases are also important for SEO. People rely on search engines Users and consumers rely heavily on search engines when […]

Web Design: Expectations vs. Reality

April 16, 2019 by Ally Nagle | Web Designer By 2019, we are all aware at this point that websites dominate the digital marketing world. Basically every reputable or successful business has a functional website. They are necessary and beneficial for a multitude of reasons and the masses are now more familiar with this than […]

A Look Back on 2018’s Biggest Web Design Trends

by Ally N. | Web Designer | As we are nearing the end of 2018, we’ve seen big design trends that have grown and emerged since 2017. Companies and their designers have started to step out of the boundaries of classic design principles and are becoming more adventurous with their website designs and web applications. […]